Oday 25 Owner Modifications and Upgrades

Serving sailors online since 1997

1977 Old/New Oday 25

posted 10-07-2008 by Dave Demaree

The day we signed the title. Out of the water she came. Slimey and Grimey! But Our Boat!

Out she comes

After too much time and fingernail chewing she is ready to put in the water

Proud Parents

We named her Conceivably Knotty not because she is necessarily fast but because of other reasons! Let me just say our son was born in May!

The name

This is the difference between a Tall Rig (fixed) and a short (swing). This is the boat we saw first that sent us looking for ours! We are very happy to have found it. The swing keel boat is a 1983 and ours is a 1977. Of course we like ours better!

Short and Tall

Click image for largest view

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